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Swimwear – Evolution and Changing Trends

April 14, 2012

With women’s suits becoming more and more daring and flamboyant during the 1950’s and beyond, the male bathing costume saw an explosion of color patterns and fancy artwork.

Hollywood celebrities and models alike have lots of opportunities constantly knocking on their doors. Yes, even while they’re at the peak of their careers or at the bottom of the dust bin. Some actors try their luck on political careers. Male musical artists, on the other hand, take on the gamble of setting up their own recording studios and labels. But if there’s one thing that catches such artists’ attention, it would have to be fashion design.

Most celebrities and artists have their own clothing line and fashion designing establishments. Puff Daddy or P. Diddy, for instance, used his cool gangster image for his own men’s clothing line of classy suits and elegant corporate wear. Michael Jordan has, of course, a sportswear line comprised of shoes, jackets, shirts, perfume, and the like. But if it’s about swim wear, gorgeous models and actresses seem to bask under the limelight more than the people who are actually swim wear designers!

Elizabeth Hurley, a late 90s model who has a knock-out figure, has opened up a swim wear designer collection line last April 2005. Now she has been constantly on the go to promote her swim wear designs, carefully going through the same set of marketing and advertising strategies as her competitors and colleagues. In October 2005, she had publicly stated in a known women’s fashion magazine that she would not be posing in a skimpy bikini or any swim wear, for that matter. But I think she gobbled up her own words by wearing an eye-popping bikini in a photo shoot last December 2005! The photo reached the Sunday Times Travel magazine’s pages, in which people — men, in particular — bought the issue as fast as the magazine establishments could display it on their shelves!

Mariah Carey is also one of those musical artists-turned-actresses that could give Liz Hurley a good run for her money. But since she doesn’t have a swim wear designer line of her own, Liz probably sees her as one of her model prospects for her designer collections. After all, Mariah could very much cause men to drool on her curvaceous figure excellently portrayed on several magazine covers! This photo shoot could also probably lead the Liz Hurley swim wear collections to fly right out the shelves of clothing establishments. But since Liz Hurley doesn’t want to act as the model for her own swim wear line, she just makes it a point to be the one to actually advertise and market her products on the release dates of her new swim wear designer collections.

The model-turned-actress released her new set of swim wear designer collections on the prime shores of Nikki Beach. This stunning beach is, of course, situated within the world’s most elegant country when it comes to fashion and the like. That’s right — this beach is in romantic Cannes, France. Now, Elizabeth Hurley didn’t have a tight bikini top on while the program was commencing. No sir, but she did have a lovely pink dress that had this stunning decolletage which made her a sight for sore eyes.

Elizabeth Hurley has been a model for more than 10 years. Panache Bikini, Swim wear

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